Tri Biobotanical Revival Ma...
The Tri Biobotanical Revival Masque from Environ is a facelift in a jar! A revolutionary combination of three powerful acids makes the skin look younger, more resilient and feel softer. It improves the appearance of uneven skin tone and supports natural hydration.
Usage advice
Start your skincare routine in the evening with your pre-cleanser, cleanser and toner and apply the mask with the brush in a thin layer 2 x a week. After 10 minutes, rinse the mask with lukewarm water and follow with your Environ moisturizer with vitamin A. If your skin feels comfortable, apply the mask 3 times a week and remove it after 20 minutes. If your skin becomes dry or tight, reduce the frequency. Once this feeling has disappeared you can increase the frequency again.
Especially recommended during autumn and winter. Can be used all year round, if the skin is protected every morning with Environ RAD SPF 15 or Alpha Day Lotion SPF 15.
- Asian sour - Lactic acid - Mandelic acid
3D Synerge Filler Creme (30...
Hydro-Lipidic 3DSynergé™ Filler Crème is an advanced, powerful booster based on an intelligent hydrolipidic approach that targets lines, wrinkles and loss of facial volume, with the aim of visibly smoother, firmer skin with a naturally plumper appearance.
Usage advice
Start your skincare routine in the morning and evening with your pre-cleanser, cleanser and toner. For experienced users of Environ it is recommended to apply Cosmetic needling before applying the 3DSynergé Filler Crème. Then gently massage 3DSynergé Filler Crème (3 pumps) into the skin before applying the recommended Environ vitamin A moisturizer.
Optimize the results of the 3DSynergé™ Filler Cream, with a course of Environ's technologically advanced professional Focus-on Filler treatments. This revolutionary facial treatment combines the power of DF technology and Professional Dual Effect Filler Serum to help smooth fine lines and leave skin looking young and plump again.
- HyaCare®50 - OptimHyal™ - Adifyline® - Reproage™ - Měiritage™
Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy ...
Environ's Concentrated Alpha Hydroxy Toner contains a high concentration of glycolic acid that helps improve the appearance of sun-aged skin. This toner helps improve the skin's natural acidity for better absorption of the active ingredients and refines the skin texture, making the skin softer and smoother.
Usage advice
Apply the Toner with a cotton pad in the morning and evening after your pre-cleanser and cleanser. Then apply your serum, eye gel and moisturizer.
When using this toner, you should definitely protect the skin every morning with Environ RAD SPF 15 or Alpha Day Lotion SPF 15. If the skin is sensitive to pigment, do not use this toner in the morning during spring and summer.
Glycolic Acid